The technical design and development structure of Arc Power employs highly qualified personnel and actively collaborates with national and international organizations, such as ESA, Swiss Innovation, ASI, CNES University La Sapienza of Rome to scientific and technological innovation programs, putting its expertise at the service of these bodies for the development of prototypes.

Arc Power has managed to combine its skills in various known electronic technologies, to develop increasingly broad, complex, and cutting-edge solutions for the customer.

Arc Power has increasingly consolidated its position on the market for the following types of products:

·       Surface mount (SMT), COB (chip on board) and/or traditional circuits.

·       Traditional thick film hybrid circuits.

·       Hermetic hybrid microelectronics circuits (die attach, wire bonding in clean room).

·       Solutions for power distribution for "space" application.

This continuous work with an increasing number of Customers who are very attentive to Quality and with increasingly stringent regulations, makes it imperative for Arc Power to guarantee, in a systematic and documented way, a level of Quality, of its products and of its service, such as to continue to please its customers and increase their satisfaction over time.

The Management of Arc Power therefore considers it a fundamental need, for the acquisition and consolidation of increasingly competitive positions on the market, to maintain a "Dynamic" Quality Management System adhering to changes in the internal and external context and to the expectations of the interested parties considered to be relevant from time to time.

For this reason, the Arc Power Management has identified in the certification of its quality management system according to the UNI EN 9001:2015 standard, a fundamental step to consolidate and further develop its position on the market by equipping itself with a management tool capable of increasingly guarantee the achievement of strategic objectives.

In defining this document, the Management has considered the following principles:

­   To identify and understand the needs and expectations of the Customer and convert them into requirements to create products that best satisfy them.

­   To concentrate the company's resources to offer the market solutions that combine product quality and cost-effectiveness, thus stimulating customers to prefer our company over competitors.

­   To seek and maintain relationships with its suppliers aimed at creating common strategies, aimed at guaranteeing the Customer not only the best product quality but also the best conditions of mutual convenience.

­   Communication, understanding and implementation of the contents of the Quality Policy at all levels within the organization.

­   The availability of this document to relevant interested parties.

­   Compliance with applicable laws and contractual regulations.

­   The active and guiding role of the Board of Directors and the Management Representative in defining and pursuing corporate objectives for improving Quality.

­   To maintain constant attention to product quality through the application of the requirements of the Quality Management System that allows problems to be prevented and to provide the Management with elements to formulate adequate improvement programs.

­   To define company objectives and specific commitments for Quality, Safety and the Environment.

­   To promote in the company, at all levels, the personal culture for:

o   Complying with all accident prevention provisions for their own and others' safety and health at work.

o   Always operating in compliance with the provisions of the law and applicable regulations regarding safety and hygiene in the workplace.

o   Pursuing respect for ethical behaviour.

o   Avoiding wasting the consumption of energy and natural resources.

o   Limiting the production of waste as much as possible.

In this sense, the company has identified the following short and medium-term OBJECTIVES:

1.     Continuous improvement of the quality management system in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard.

2.     Economic development with the search for new customers and new market niches.

3.     Encourage and develop a lasting and systematic collective commitment to quality at all levels of the organization.

4.     Pursue the implementation of the needs and requirements of the customer by increasing the degree of satisfaction.

5.     Guarantee a high level of product quality in full compliance with the customer specifications and the applicable mandatory ones, with particular attention to research and development, technological innovation and the improvement and optimization of machines and safety of the product itself.

6.     Ensure compliance with the contractually defined delivery times to the customer.

In order to pursue the aforementioned strategic objectives, the Management undertakes directly to define an annual improvement plan and the relative criteria for measuring the results and makes available, within its budgetary possibilities, the necessary resources to promote at all levels the organization's awareness of the fundamentals of the management system.

All the aforementioned objectives and values ​​engage every company function, especially as regards full customer satisfaction and a more aware corporate culture on the part of each employee.

Given these assumptions, the company undertakes to:

·       Define clear and measurable objectives at the beginning of each year.

·       Verify the results achieved and promote improvement actions.

·       Sharing and communicating the quality policy at all company levels.

·       Periodically check the adequacy of its policy to the objectives identified by the management.

·       Encourage any initiative aimed at improving quality.

The Board of Directors still wishes to emphasize to all staff the importance of awareness and the relevance of each person's activity. To achieve the objectives, it therefore requires everyone to collaborate fully for the concrete implementation of the policy set out above.